What follows is the transcript for the Real Time Conference (RTC) on the subject of Apple Computer's new series of portable computers known as PowerBooks. This RTC was held December 8, 1992 beginning at 10:30 p.m. EST in meeting room 2 of the Macintosh Users Group (GE-MUG) Round Table on GEnie. The featured guest for this RTC was Richard Wolfson, author of The PowerBook Companion, (1992, Addison-Wesley publishers)
Notice on door: Welcome to the PowerBook RTC with "Doc" Johnston.
Tonight's special guest is Richard Wolfson, author of THE POWERBOOK COMPANION.
D.E. "Doc" Johnston - Moderator
Transcript follows:
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Why don't we go on and get started? I'd like to
introduce our special guest here tonight... Rich Wolfson... author of The
PowerBook Companion.
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> bow
<[Jim, GL-Mac] JFLANAGAN> <applause>
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> A special welcome Rich.
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> What's the protocol?
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> A first question, do you think that Apple will ever
make an up-gradable PowerBook?
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> It's not likely. It seems they are more interested in
new systems and upgrades are not part of the plan.
<[Jim, GL-Mac] JFLANAGAN> Rich, are you working on a second edition of
your PowerBook Companion to include the new PowerBooks?
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> Interestingly, Shreve systems has a 140 upgrade that
includes a faster CPU and FPU
** <[Kent] DRACO> ANNOUNCEMENT: The PowerBook RTC with author Richard Wolfson (THE POWERBOOK COMPANION) is now starting in RTC Room #2.
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> It's an interesting concept and I can assure you, it
works. As for color or gray scale screen upgrades. Don't wait. My bet is that none will be coming. done
** <J.O.P.> is here.
** <[jop] J.O.P.> was <J.O.P.>.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Judging from what John Sculley said in his
interview with the Forbes publication ASAP, the pace of Apple's release of new products will remain pretty rapid. Do you foresee any change in this policy?
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> For me it's a big problem. PowerBooks will get rapid
changes and that means I get to constantly redo my book. For the consumer, I think it's great. Unfortunately, there are those that complain that the new stuff
they just bought is outdated quickly. Sorry. That's the price you pay
to be on the cutting edge.
<[jop] J.O.P.> Live from the ER on my Duo 230...hello everyone! Doc,
Rich :)
<[jop] J.O.P.> Yep, went on a splurge...Xmas gift to myself :)
<[Kent] DRACO> I have a PB 100 and it does just what I got it for. I'm
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Well, it has made a lot of money for Apple, and is
likely to continue to do so.
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> We'll see new PowerBooks in rapid succession.
Including color probably next year. Now if they could only deliver product.
<[jop] J.O.P.> Rich, any thoughts about electronic publishing? Updates
would be a snap!
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> The PowerBook Companion is COMPLETELY electronically prepressed and it
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> only takes three weeks from what I give them to
having books. The problem is information
** <[Unk] DAVE.REID> is Monitoring.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Rich .... When can we expect to see the next
edition of you book?
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> Can you see how difficult it is to write about Duo
Docs, Express modems and such when you can't get your hands on one. Then when you finally get enough to write about, they introduce new models.
<[jop] J.O.P.> I see...do you do the prepress yourself? What I was
thinking was along the lines of an electronic edition....
** <[Unk] DAVE.REID> is here.
<[Kent] DRACO> Hi Unk!
<[jop] J.O.P.> Hey Unk!
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> The 145 was a complete surprise to me. Who knows
what else is in store. done
<[Unk] DAVE.REID> Hi folks!
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> With the pace of new products picking up, your job
must be getting pretty tough.
<[jop] J.O.P.> Rich, wanta try my duo/dock out...get a free trip to
Arizona? <grin>
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> Some things I get way in advance. Software and third
party hardware, for instance
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> How about PowerBook utility programs? Any that
you'd like to tell us about?
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> But, It's the apple stuff that takes the most time
to evaluate and sort out. The Express Modem will be the most difficult thing to
date. The upside and downside potential is incredible. done
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> Doc, give me that again.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> How about PowerBook utility programs? Any that
you'd like to tell us about?
<[Kent] DRACO> I'd like comparisons!
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> Sure, I spent the weekend with them all
<[jop] J.O.P.> Tell more!
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> GUM first. It's not that great. The cardinal sin was
that it cut out in the middle of a download. You would have thought
** <[Erik] MACSPECT> is Monitoring.
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> they would have looked carefully at CPU. CPU is not
that great either. I hate the interface and it also has some problems still
with serial port monitoring.
** <[Unk] DAVE.REID> not Monitoring.
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> Neither give any real indication as to how long your
battery will last. Sure they give numbers. But they are totally misleading.
<[jop] J.O.P.> Rich, Billy Steinberg was cooking up the definitive PB
utility package..anything you can tell us about?
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> For file syncing, there's Inline Sync and
PowerMerge. PowerMerge is simple and works but seems to be under powered and the interface is confusing. I
** <[Bart] B.FARKAS1> is here.
<[Bart] B.FARKAS1> Hi
<[Bart] B.FARKAS1> sorry I'm late
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> like Inline Sync but it's too is cumbersome. The file
Syncing part of GUM (it's called something else and distributed by Symantic but
excuse me as I forget the new name) is OK but way under powered.
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1>
<[Bart] B.FARKAS1> was trying to sell my car
<[Kent] DRACO> Hi Bart
<[jop] J.O.P.> Hi Bart! :-)
** <FUCHSIA> is here.
<[Bart] B.FARKAS1> Jeff, you comin tomorrow?
** <[#Amy#] FUCHSIA> was <FUCHSIA>.
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> I would still use the public domain stuff until
something better comes along. And you may see something very good real soon
<[#Amy#] FUCHSIA> Hellos!!!!
<[jop] J.O.P.> Hi Amy!
<[Unk] DAVE.REID> Hi Amy.
<[Kent] DRACO> Hi Amy
** <[Erik] MACSPECT> NEP (ex-GUM) does file synch. too.
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> NEP. Yeah. That's it.
<[Leonard BBS] BIBLIA> Hi Amy!
<[jop] J.O.P.> Sure am Bart...in the ER tonight, and was able to break
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Rich - With Christmas coming, any gift
recommendations for your favorite PowerBook owner?
<[Kent] DRACO> <listening eagerly>
<[#Amy#] FUCHSIA> I hope I GET my powerbook before Xmas :\
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Besides a new PB :-)
<[#Amy#] FUCHSIA> Its on 'order' so my dealer says :\
<[jop] J.O.P.> Rich, can you say anything about Billy's package?
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> Well, The PowerBook Companion would be a good choice. Another is Xtras for System 7 by Sharon Aker. I think it's the best set of
utilities for the price. (24.95) The Heiractical Apple menu is worth the money
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> Then there's PowerSwap for the 140/145/160/170/180
users with 2 or more batteries. I like that
** <[Erik] MACSPECT> Who made the Apple menu hierarchical extension?
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> On the more expensive side, the case that Apple
sells in their catalog is wonderful.
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> And of course. Don't forget the DUO 230 and Duo Doc
for your children. <g>
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> done
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Any chance that GEnie will be mentioned in your
next edition?
<[#Amy#] FUCHSIA> hee hee
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> OK. I left it out because I had no experience with
it. I can't say that anymore so look to see it included. I promise. <Rich
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Thanks. <grin>
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> Please excuse my spelling and typos I'm doing the
best I can with what little I've got.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Jeff, what was your question?
** <[Leonard BBS] BIBLIA> has left.
<[Rich] MAC.GUEST1> are you waiting for me?
<[Dave@MacHD] MACLAMP>
** <[Dave@MacHD] MACLAMP> has left.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Jeff had a question about Billy's package.
<[jop] J.O.P.> Doc, I was trying to pry some info from Rich on Billy